2020 AINSE Gold Medal Ceremony

On Wednesday 20th May, AINSE alumni Dr. Cynthia Isley and Dr. Gabriel Murphy were presented with AINSE Gold Medals in recognition of their outstanding research achievements.

Dr. Isley, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Macquarie University and former AINSE Research Award Scholar, received a Gold Medal for her PhD research concerning the sources and health impacts of particle air pollutants in Suva, Fiji.

As a direct result of this work, the Fijian government have funded ongoing air quality sampling to monitor the emissions identified from waste burning, diesel combustion, and other pollutant sources.

Dr. Gabriel Murphy, former AINSE PGRA Scholar and SAAFE Scholar now based at Forschungszentrum Jülich in Germany, completed his doctoral studies at the University of Sydney. His PhD research investigated the condensed matter chemistry of crystalline strontium oxide, a material with applications to fuel reprocessing in the nuclear fuel cycle.

During this work, Dr. Murphy developed new techniques for in-situ studies of the reduction of uranium oxides, opening up new avenues by which researchers could study the properties of radioactive materials.

AINSE President Ian Gentle and AINSE Managing Director Michelle Durant awarded the Gold Medals to Dr. Isley and Dr. Murphy at an online ceremony, in the presence of invited family members, research collaborators, and AINSE Councillors.

AINSE wishes to congratulate Dr. Isley and Dr. Murphy on their excellent research accomplishments, and look forward to seeing the outcomes of the next research projects undertaken by these talented researchers.

The AINSE Gold Medal, awarded to Dr. Isley and Dr. Murphy in 2020