Specialist Committees

AINSE’s 3 specialist committees provide a strong focus in the following disciplines by providing ongoing advice on research, evaluation of applications for AINSE awards, and regular review of progress reports.

Archaeology, Geosciences and Environmental Sciences (AGES)

Applications in the AGES specialist area would be expected to use nuclear science techniques to advance knowledge in any of the branches of archaeology, geosciences, or environmental sciences. 

Examples include filling knowledge and data gaps in the historical record, informing sustainable management strategies regarding the use of resources, and understanding human impacts on the natural environment, including climate change and the impacts of contaminants.

Biomedical Science and Biotechnology (BBS)

Applications in the BBS specialist area would be expected to use nuclear science techniques to support research leading to the development of diagnostic tools and treatments for disease, better understanding of the mechanisms that cause or influence the development and progression of disease, or strategies to reduce the risk of disease. 

Examples include diagnostic and therapeutic nuclear medicine, nuclear technology-based therapy outcomes (including experimental radiation oncology and particle therapy)-, and understanding the effect of radiation on biological systems in a variety of contexts, including in space.

Materials Science and Engineering (MSE)

Applications in the MSE specialist area would be expected to use nuclear science techniques to study the structure and function of materials at an atomic or molecular level.

Examples include the study of soft condensed matter (e.g. proteins and membranes) and hard condensed matter (e.g. magnetic materials), investigating properties and composition of engineering and inorganic materials, surface characterisation and surface properties; advanced materials processing, specialist techniques in materials characterisation, materials testing, bulk and local materials properties, investigating materials for use in nuclear applications (including improved fuels for advanced reactor designs and management of spent fuel and associated waste forms), and investigating effects of radiation on non-biological materials.


The Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering (AINSE Ltd.) is an integral organisation for enhancing Australia’s and New Zealand’s capabilities in nuclear science, engineering, and related research fields by facilitating world-class research and education. 

AINSE offers a range of programs and services to its members, including generous domestic and international conference support, scholarships for honours & postgraduate students and Early Career Researchers, and intensive undergraduate education schools. These benefits aim to foster scientific advancement and promote an effective collaboration between AINSE members and ANSTO.

We respectfully acknowledge the Dharawal nation as the traditional custodians of the land on which AINSE is located.

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